Saturday, October 3, 2015

New Voter Suppression Tool in North Carolina

North Carolina Republicans have been actively moving polling places around, cutting numbers of polling places in some counties, and increasing numbers in other counties.

In 2014 white voters, 71% of the electorate, had to travel an additional 119,000 miles from their homes to their nearest Early Voting locations.

Black voters, 22% of the electorate, had to travel an additional 370,000 miles, in 2014, to get to their nearest Early Voting place.

Most of the voter suppression actions taken by the new Republican majority legislature have been very transparent, very apparent to the public: redistricting to corral black votes; voter ID; reducing early voting days; eliminating same day registration; and, particularly damaging to the black voter, eliminating voting on the Sunday before the election, the traditional "Souls to the Polls" activity of black churches. All of that was well publicized.

The eliminating and moving of polling places was done very quietly.

Bill Busa, known as DocDawg, gives DailyKos Connects an overview of data covering a systematic effort to shuffle and move polling locations that disproportionately impact minority voters.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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