Friday, February 27, 2015

Revised New York Voter Registration Form

New York revised their voter registration form to handle the new parties and the question of are your independence.

There is now two questions:

Political party - You must make 1 selection

Political party enrollment is optional but that, in order to vote in a primary election of a political party, a voter must enroll in that political party, unless state party rules allow otherwise.

I wish to enroll in a political party

☐ Democratic party
☐ Republican party
☐ Conservative party
☐ Green party
☐ Working Families party
☐ Independence party
☐ Women’s Equality party
☐ Reform party
☐ Other_________________

I do not wish to enroll in a political party

☐ No party

The other change that is waiting for the New York Board of Elections (BOE) to finalize, is requiring the maintenance of the write-in party names for the Other box by the Counties and the State.  This is needed when a party asks for its registration totals, which are not keep by all entities, currently.  The BOE has previously changed their system to accommodate this change, but did not make it mandatory.

I would like to see a mass mailing so voters could be notified about this change, so they could update their party preference or become an independent voter.

CLICK HERE to view the form.

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